La Vie de Joie

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In my line of life, we talk a lot about production. About the tools & resources we use to produce something. About the way we produce something. About the impact of what we produce—and when we decide not to produce. So I frequently think about my role as a leader within my community; about how we define leaders as teachers who teach teachers. I consider the role and responsibility teachers hold: “to inspire and ignite the production of thought and understanding.” To accurately contextualize our experiences for the production of new ideas and innovations. Overall though, I believe the primary objective of any teacher is to produce perspective for the sake of integral connection. And being tasked with this honor is something I describe as a calling. Yet even those of us with that charge don’t always recognize how much faith, risk, and bravery it demands.

To be called to the lost means you are seeking people who knew a clear path to a particular destination. Otherwise their ambling would not cause notice; it would be their expected traveling movement.

To be called to the captives indicates that you are helping people find release who knew freedom. Otherwise their limitations would not be a hindrance; they would be self regulation.

To be called to the broken-hearted reveals you are serving people whose heart knew a more complete standard. Otherwise their pieces would not expect reconnection; they would just be.

How can something be broken unless it was once whole; be bound unless it once had less restrictions; or be found unless it once belonged somewhere?

Many with a desire to produce, or create & develop, anything want to start building with things that have clean slates—devoid of even their own fingerprints. Myself most definitely included. Because we want our productions to be flawless. But our creations will always reflect us…and no matter how exceptionally we shape them, or how pristine they begin, they will still be imbued with our influence. And we are all amalgamated works, molded by those who have had influence on us.

For anything to be perfect it must be both eternally complete, and not influenced or impressed upon by humanity.  Something influenced by nothing & no one must, by definition, exist in its own sovereignty. The only entity with that capability is God—the creator of all things and the very standard by which we measure perfection. With all of that said, what’s the point I’m trying to make here about leadership?

Demanding, expecting, or waiting for perfection in order to begin stewarding something can, in no circumstance, bear fruit. If for no other reason than the fact that it means waiting, expecting, or demanding to have authority over that which is God. Oh what arrogance do our desires reveal, while we feed this illusion of pressure? But thankfully we do have a saving grace found in truth and humility. Because serving imperfectly can restore what they steal, and abolish our exhaustion masquerading as pleasure.

So who, how, & what are we teaching?