Drained v. Destiny
What is it you do, that even on your most exhausting days leaves you energized & full of life & joy? That even during its worst seasons still has you making the same choice to come back each day?
A musician I know said to me tonight that when they get done playing gigs, they’re exhausted. And yet, they’re the CEO of a company & can work on that into the wee hours of the morning with not much more than a little dissatisfaction.
The book of Matthew tells us that where your treasure lies, so does your heart. And Proverbs & Luke tell us that all that we are & do flows straight out of our heart. So I think it would be reasonable to conclude that our “treasure” or “place of passion” is what I’d like to call our sweet spot. The one place we not only can do more than makes sense, but WANT to. I believe that when we’re operating in an anointed place of destiny, the more we pour out, the more we’re filled. Because our gifts make room for us & our talents (peep that wordplay) are multiplied the more we use them.
What I DON’T believe is that a place or assignment which only drains you & doesn’t refill you, is a place you’re meant to stay forever.
While in Egypt, the Hebrews learned so much. Although so greatly oppressed, they learned community, they learned resilience, they learned patience, they learned how to trust & rely on their God. They learned the power of their spirit & the strength of their faith. And something I think so many people miss--they learned how to build in such a way that centuries later their work still stands before all men to see. The reason that I can say for sure that, although difficult and unfair, it was truly their destiny to be there while they were, is because the more they were afflicted, they more they increased. Although weary, there was a grace upon them that allowed them to endure & remain standing when every one of them should have faltered as their spirits were broken.
But none of that happened.
I’d like to suppose that there are some of us out here who are living in our skill set rather than walking in our destiny. We’re getting distracted by the places that we’re comfortable, getting exhausted in the places we know we do things well simply because they’re second nature.
You see, manly assignments leave us drained & empty.
But destiny leaves us full & ready to come back for more.