I, Too, Am America
In my lifetime I’ve seen planes fly into multiple major national buildings.
I’ve seen wars launched discreetly and indiscreetly.
I’ve seen communities unite like never before only to turn on themselves again with paralleled fervor.
I’ve seen schools, churches, playgrounds, & hospitals become home to gunfire.
I’ve seen riots over painful mishandlings of power and poor executions of justice.
I’ve seen churches burned to the ground.
And that’s only in my country.
I am a part of a generation who’s either grown up too quickly or not at all.
I’ve experienced felt terror at levels that are numbing and remained standing.
I’ve witnessed every odd stacked against me and found hope to hold onto.
And as a lower middle-class, multi-racial, female, millennial adult, I’d like to have it noted that I, too, am America.