Cleansing Peace
I can hear the crickets. They sound so beautiful. So constant. So dependable.
I see the sky's light show. Bright white with pink & purple at its center. So beautiful. Sporadically free. Coming & going as it pleases.
I feel the drops of water flowing ever so lightly from the sky. Silent, but for its contact with the ground & things that reside between its origin & destination.
Its soft touch reprimanding me for getting in its way & thanking me for keeping it company at the same time. Harsh yet welcoming. Hard then soft at an unknown rate. But never really stopping either. Just taking a rest.
Then the air takes over. The scent of starting anew fills my lungs.
Everything freshly cleaned. All pain washed away leaving clean slates everywhere. The sun will shine light upon every crack tomorrow morning.
But for now, tonight, the world is at peace.