Darkness or Night
God is in the day as much as He is in the night. Yet He is light, but allows the devil to be the prince of darkness.
What does that tell us about Him?
That even in the places where it appears satan has all power, God is still in control.
He allows darkness to come, but He still remains Sovereign over the Universe.
See, in the darkest of night, it only takes a single lamp to light up a room. But during the day, it requires a great deal of work to create darkness.
Create–because you will not “find” it anywhere.
Though, at midnight, you can stumble upon the moon reflected in a lake & see brightness, at noon, even the darkest caves must be closed off and traveled through to find true darkness.
Look at what we learn about the wonderful greatness of God just by looking at the human body.
When it’s dark, your eyes yearn for light–that’s why they’re so sensitive to the tiniest shimmer. But when it’s light, have you ever found yourself naturally seeking out a shadow?
The same is true of the human spirit. It yearns for light! But just as harsh as it is to turn the lights up to bright after a long movie, so does it cause a knee-jerk reaction in the spirit. It takes a moment that sometimes causes you to wish someone would just turn the lights back off. But after a bit of adjustment to the light, you realize that it no longer hurts when you try to see–and you can see much clearer.
Which brings up another interesting point.
Being in darkness discourages you from trying to see. When it’s dark, you can’t keep your eyes open for as long because it hurts after a bit. In fact, trying to read without proper light is actually harmful to your eyes’ long term health. And artificial light such as computer screens can bring about headaches and even nausea.
But sunlight, on the other hand, is a total different ballgame. Sunlight not only encourages opening your eyes, but provides the perfect light to see with & has the capability of alleviating depression and providing energy to all living (and, through science, all nonliving) things!
How could it ever be believed that light a) doesn’t cast out darkness & b) isn’t preferable to darkness?
And while it may be cooler in the dark, it’s always going to be safer in the light